Tourism Collection System: Agency, Hotel Payment System

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Tourism Collection System: Agency, Hotel Payment System

The tourism sector is one of the leading areas where long-term purchases are made. This naturally leads to the frequent use of online shopping methods in this sector. While online payment systems play a vital role, especially in future hotel reservations or tourist service purchases, the mail order system is used as a classical method in these purchases. However, this system, which can be considered an outdated method today, has begun to be replaced by a much more practical and secure payment tool with new technologies. The e-collection system, which allows payments to be made via virtual POS devices, provides great convenience to both sides of the transaction in the tourism sector, as in many business lines.

Tourism Collection System Mail Order Becomes History Since the concept of online shopping entered our lives, the mail order system was mostly used in the collection transactions of tourism companies. Although this method successfully fulfilled its duty as a hotel collection system for many years, it also brought with it many disadvantages. The mail order system, which causes loss of labor and time in many areas, especially security concerns, began to be shelved rapidly with the widespread use of e-collection methods. E-collection system enables many tourism businesses to step forward in the competition in the sector today. A comparison can be made with the mail order system to see more clearly the advantages it brings to businesses.

When mail order is used as a tour agency payment system: The customer's credit card information is transmitted directly to the company. Credit card information transmitted to the company must be stored carefully and securely. The company is held responsible for any grievances that may arise from situations where this process cannot be achieved. This method causes heavy phone, e-mail and fax traffic. Some customers openly refuse to provide their credit card information to the company. Reporting of transactions in payment processes is done manually and is prone to human error. All these stages cause a great loss of time on both the company and the customer side. At the same time, companies have to use a significant amount of workforce to carry out all these operations.

You can start your Tourism collection system installation by contacting Finrota today. Fast and reliable address in Agency and Hotel Payment systems.

Bring Technology to Your Business with E-Collection Methods It includes the integration of 21 different banks providing virtual POS services on a single platform. Netahsilat adds speed and security to your collection transactions. You can offer your customers a safe tourism collection method for credit card payments, either in installments or in one payment.

With Netahsilat online payment systems;

  • Via SMS or e-mail,

  • With free collection method,

  • Integrated into reservation systems,

  • You can carry out your collection transactions using the IVR method,

  • Tourism Payment System, Both Safe and Fast

Netahsilat online payment systems offer safe and fast shopping together. Payments made via virtual POS are collected from the customer using the 3D Secure method. Your customer can pay safely with the system that protects the information. It also prevents additional labor for your business, such as storing card information. You can provide fast online cancellation and refund transactions to your same customers. It can be integrated into any reservation and accounting program that allows online data flow. This makes it easy for you to manage all processes from one place. The collection system also works compatible with mobile devices. Even if your banks are different, you can save a lot of time with the account activity reporting system that brings your monitoring screen into a single interface.

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